There are trade-offs between functionality, quality, and which streaming services can be used (YouTube Live, Facebook, etc), so you will need to evaluate which methods best serve your needs. Some systems involve a video switcher feeding a separate streaming computer or stand-alone hardware device, and others can be accomplished using only a single computer and software. There are many ways to accomplish the task of streaming a live event, and some of them may require additional hardware or expertise.
With the rapid growth of interest in live streaming church services and other events which has been propelled by the response to Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have prepared this article to help explain some of the ways which you may be able to use MediaShout with a popular streaming tool called OBS, and we also recommend a partner of ours - BoxCast - who offer a simple and popular streaming service which can be a very quick and easy way to get into streaming without a lot of technical know-how up front. And while our church presentation software can certainly play a major role in a live streaming system, there are several technologies involved in streaming which we do not have expertise in, and which are required when an organization is considering streaming live events. Because MediaShout church presentation software integrates with a wide range of media files and hardware, we often are asked about streaming and live streaming options by our customers.